It is hard to spend many hours in the hospital without eating poorly. The highlight of the day is going to the cafeteria for dinner. (and boy did they ever have some yummy choices) BUT! Thank goodness that they also had a fantastic salad bar! I was not perfect. I did not always make smart choices. I was however aware of what I was putting on my plate. Looking back in my food journal I hit 2500 calories on two days. ouch, but the rest of the time I stayed under 1600 so I am happy with that!
I have sure missed the gym! I am looking forward to my zumba class tomorrow. My weeks were not completely void of exercise though. I walked alot to pass the time.
Even so, I gained. Not a whole lot, but still!
What did I learn in the last few weeks? I learned that it is important to take the time to take care of ourselves. No matter what is going on in life, we can still make healthy choices, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and choosing baked instead of fried. Simple choices that make a big difference.
Glad to be back!!!! :)
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I hope she is better now.
You are so right that it is hard to take care of one's self properly in times of crisis.
Sounds as though you did a good job even if it wasn't perfect and more importantly you learnt some valuable lessons from the experience.
Sorry about your mother in law. Sometimes the stress of the world around us causes us to lose track of what our goal for ourselves are. Just keep on track :) Good luck.
Oh yeah, we are like almost exact measurements I think lol
Found you through the Blogroll. Hope you come back to blogging soon. Sorry to learn about your mother in law. Hope you are doing okay. There is a lot of support in the blogging community. Michele
Hi Reese,
Just found your blog and thought I'd leave a comment. How are you doing? Are you still eating well and exercising? I would really love to read an update from you!
P.S. To store an avocado half: rub lime juice on the side of the avocado that still has the pit, cover it tightly with plastic wrap, and seal in a ziploc bag. You'll need to use it the next day and there is a bit of browness, but it keeps pretty well :)
I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?
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