Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lukewarm Efforts

Yesterday was my first weigh in (at least for this time around). I lost two pounds. I am happy about it, but I expected more from the first week. You know how usually the first week you lose a big number-lots of water weight. My husband made me feel better by reminding me that two pounds equals eight sticks of butter. That is pretty cool. :)

I feel like so far I have just been lukewarm in my efforts to become healthy. I am not on fire about it and I want to be. I need to make it a priority in my life and it hasn't been. My plan (which I am constantly revising!) I am going to make a new goal for myself each week. This week my goal will be to find time to exercise everyday. Whether it is walking around the neighborhood, doing a dvd workout or hitting the gym......I'm aiming for seven days!

My kids are on spring break this week, so it will be a challenge, but I just have to keep on reminding myself that I am worth it. I am worth taking an hour a day for myself!


Nona said...

I love what your husband said. Every time I get a loss on the scale I'm not happy with, I'll think of the weight in butter sticks.

An hour a day for yourself sounds divine. Go for it!!!

MaryFran said...

Your husband is absolutely correct......any loss is good and equates to big things!

I wish I had the magical words to change our attitude and motivation from lukewarm to just all out gung ho. I have never figured out what does it....my only advice. Just keep on...and think about why you want to reach your goals!!!! Use that desire as your motivation!