Friday, March 19, 2010

Wait...I think I have been here before!

I was thinking this morning, while eating my oatmeal, wow...I have been doing this "losing weight thing" for a long time! Just thinking about all of the times that I have lost the weight and gained it back gives me a sick feeling inside.
Here are just a few of the roads I have traveled for the last 20 years...

weight watchers x3
slim fast
my own "homemade diet" plans

I have lost weight on all of these and then gained it back (plus some). It is not the plans fault, some of them are great! It is my fault. I never REALLY changed, just masked the problem for awhile.

So, why is this time going to be any different? This time will be different because I am not going to "diet". I am making a lifestyle change. I have already joined the gym and started exercising 3 days a week. I am not going to deprive myself of any specific foods. The name of my game this time around is: MODERATION and EXERCISE :)

It will work!
It has to work!
Forty and fit here I come!!

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