Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rain, the Shred and Meals

With the non stop rain coming down, I decided to skip the gym and do the 30 day shred DVD. I really enjoy working out at home. I like the gym, too, but as I have said before it is nice to be able to crash onto the couch afterwards :) Jillian provided a good, motivating, sweaty workout! One thing that my body cringes at though, are the jumping jacks. J.J and my body are not friends. They make my knees hurt...bad, so until I am in better shape I am going to steer clear of them.

Yesterday my husband and I did day one of the C25K. It was hard for me. It was nice to have the prompts. He liked it and I liked it, so we decided that we'll do this together. We both have things to do tonight, so tomorrow will be day 2.

I don't know about you, but finding healthy dinners that everyone in my family will like and actually eat is something I have had a hard time with. My family is used to casseroles and now I am trying to make them eat grilled chicken, rice and steamed broccoli! HA!
I have been searching blogs for recipes to try and one of my favorites is Tj's Test Kitchen Last night I made THIS . It turned out SO good and everyone liked it! Thanks TJ :)

I have a ton of housework to do today and I am actually kind of glad to be staying home. It will give me a chance to get caught up on everything.

Hope you all have a great day.


karen said...

I really like that on some of the TBL dvds they have people doing "modified" JJs while everyone is jumping up and down and making me cringe at the thought!

Hmmm ... maybe tonight I'll pop in Last Chance Workout ...

Unknown said...

OH COOL! Glad you liked that recipe! It's a tasty one! :) Good job on the SHRED! yikes- sounds scary huh? lol

MaryFran said...

I like working out in a gym....but I have to say, working out at home is equally as much easier when you take out the 20 minute (each way) drive to the gym!

check out my recipe blog

4athomej said...

I can't do the gym(4 yr old at home) I always work out at home. Love it!!!-except for the 4 year old that wants to do it with I also refuse to do jumping jacks. :)

Julie said...

Jumping jacks are evil!!! LOL!! Anyone with any kind of "boobage" will say so!!! LOL!!! I have such a hard time doing workout dvd's at home. Good job!!

Diane Fit to the Finish said...

I love TJ's Test Kitchen too! I too used to make a lot of casseroles but rarely do anymore.

I hope you got everything done!